Our vision and mission is 

to be the African leader

in infrastructure development, construction, project management and project financing partner, while meeting all stakeholder expectations

Abisol is a Back Empowerment Company registered in South Africa to service: rail and railways sector; power generation; road and bridges; dam construction and water storage, smart cities development. We represent the Belt and Road Initiative Fund in the SADC Region.

Our core values

This vision will be achieved by creating:

  • An investment opportunity, value and return that will attract to class funding and best expertise from our international partners
  • Creating an environment that will attract, retain and development the best employees
  • Timeous delivery of quality products and service to our clients
  • Being highly responsive and competent
  • Managing relationships with clients and other stakeholders with professionalism and integrity
  • Meeting social, health safety and environmental responsibilities
  • Applying corporate governance best practice.

Our management competencies

We have extensive top-class experience which is backed up by our international partners in rail and railways infrastructure, power generation, dam construction, pipeline installation, road and bridges and smart cities development.  We only fund and provide technical support to public service infrastructure projects.

Our business focus

  • Power generation  & distribution,
  • Gas and petroleum projects,
  • Development of pipeline systems and fuel storage facilities
  • Dam and water projects
  • Road and Bridges
  • Rail construction and systems
  • Development of smart cities,
  • Development of human settlements projects
  • Development of health facilities,
  • Development of retail facilities
  • Development of rail and railways
  • Development of gas and petroleum projects
  • Development of pipeline systems and fuel storage facilities
  • Development of roads and bridges
  • Development of smart cities
  • Development of E-health

The overall aim of all our projects is to create job opportunities to achieve poverty reduction, sustainable economic and social development.